There's hope for us out there!!
Last night out of whim, I found myself at Chinatown's Chung King Road. I'm still debating if it was an excuse for taro cakes, lotus leaf cookies, and greasy dumplings, or if I was really there to write about the great galleries you'll find at Chung King. Great galleries, that were close because 1. It was over 6 pm and 2. Most galleries were closed, due to re-installation. Most of them will soon be open in February. I'm happy to have gone late; Sometimes, events really do happen for a reason.
Stephen Cohen has nothing on Tim Fleming, ha-ha. Loving how there's many events going on around town, in conjunction with the fair.
Tonight, you can't miss the events going on at Chung King Road!. "It's going down"... Yes, I said: IT'S GOING DOWN. And yes, now i feel slightly uncomfortable.
The Public School : The Fuck'ed Up Drawing Party at 5pm!
Happy Lion: 7:30pm - The Happy Lion will present the premiere of Torch Trouble, a new performance piece by Joe Sola and Michael Webster. Sola’s highly physical performances use slapstick, live music, and Dada-ist abstraction to hilarious results.
Please Join us for Chinatown Gallery Night, Saturday January 30th:
Guy Goodwin at Kathryn Brennan Gallery (955 Chung King Rd.)
Michele O'Marah at Cottage Home (410 Cottage Home St.)
Galleries open until 9PM
Kathryn Brennan Gallery is Co-Hosting Full Frontal Disco at Grand Star, 10 PM - 2 AM (Bring Art LA badge for $5 cover)
Here are other participating galleries:
Participating Spaces:
Kathryn Brennan
China Art Objects
The Company
FOCA-Fellows of Contemporary Art
Francois Ghebaly
The Happy Lion
Parker Jones
The Public School
Redling Fine Art
Solway Jones
Thomas Solomon Gallery
(Taken from my Inbox)
Have a fun and safe night venturing Los Angeles and it's many happenings!
Sorry darlin, you are a very cute girl, I thought you were a boy as i had misread your answers on LACMA on fire. Reread your quote below from Rilke, it is true, you dont know what the questions are yet, dont be too quick to find answers, learn first. Good luck, you can succeed, but must gradualy find your roll in life, at 20, you got time as long as you never quit. Keep in touch, i have taught many your age, and can help you. You at least are trying, that is a rare thing.
ReplyDeleteDonald Frazell
And beware the artscene, it will suck the life out of you in its self absorbed decadence. Find balance, fulfilment the goal. if you are an artist, you will find it through work, not hanging out with wannabes.
ReplyDeleteTake care,
Donald Frazell
The Great Gatsby!!
ReplyDeleteL.A may not have the capacity for that. If I were living in New York, now I would probably declare the art world to be self decadent.
However, Thank you for your support. It was in High school, when I fully decided that a career in the arts was my calling; Over an AP Art History course.
Yes, let's keep in touch!!
Loved MOLAA's last exhibition!!... What were your thoughts?
Wasnt crazy about the abstraction show, very derivative of European art from decades before, stayed within the bounds of the totalitarian states paramters for career. There was an excellent side show, etchings and drawings by a Mexican Artist I liked very much. Saw more of his work at the Contemporary Latin Masters gallery at Bergamot Station. Also hahd three excellent works, the middle one great, by the Puertor Rican artist Arnoldo Roche, who had a show at MoLAA about a year ago. And an absolutely gorgeous small Tamayo, who I consider the best painter of the America's, ALL the America's.
ReplyDeleteTamayo's color is just insane, so subtle yet rich and filled with the past, present and sprituality, the George Braque of Mexico, who certainly influenced him. They both kept their cultures, yet took them Modern, encompassing all of humanity. Contemporary art is passe and self indulgent, Modern is of the three things i preach as being creative art, defining ones own group, with Moedernism, all of humanity, explroing nature, science, the world around us, and searching for god, whatever that means to you.
Roche did that, though too many van Gogh heads, but considering his family history, undertstandabel. His best works are the middle sized, about 8' for him, more concise, better depth and richer meaning.
Keep studying history, a broad view, one msut have something of the past and reality to give richness to ones work, the ignorance of science, hstory, philosophy and theology is why the art scene is so weak, and childish. It is all about the individual,w hen we dont amtter more nor less than anyone else. Arrogance is not becoming to an artist. We are workers, of the people, or we are nothing. As Hemingway said, the rich are different than you and me, they are ass holes. Poor Fitzgerald, so delusional, and so dead.
Read my blog, surround youself oNLY with great art, not your peers, then its the blind leading the blind. But teh greatest art from around teh world, so you can develop that most necessary of art tools, the automatic shit detector. We are but filters of the world, one must take out the crap and receive what is most fundamental about who WE are. This takes years, no 20 year old knows anything yet, but you can be working on this most priofound and usefull of senses. Then, only the intensely alive will survive through your filters, and you can grow.
Your mentor, Donald
PS, ditch the shallow adolescent musics, listen to the great of that form of communication also. Bach, Chopin, Miles Davis, John Coltrane, and who you might like, Cassandra Wilson, Two CDs fromt th mid 90s are great, New Moon Daughter, and Blue Light Before Dawn, Intsense, if you can take em. I think you can, youa re ready, now.
Mr. Frazell we all have to remember that time moves forward :]
ReplyDeleteI embrace all forms of creativity. Would it be experimental bands or Chet Baker.
Chet Baker was bland and made it only because he was a cute white boy. Plenty of good white players, but if you see a white only band in jazz, you know it sucks. Jaco pastorius possibly the only white player who was the best on his instrument. Electric bass, as acoustic there are plenty of great players, all black except Charlie Haden. Dave Holland and Niels Pederston good too, bass being the only instrument Euros have done well with.
ReplyDeleteTime moves on, but quality and creativity dont. It comes in spurts. Fashion and pop are not art, they are simply moments in time, and dont move, they get stuck. And dated as soon as they are made, only those who lived it keep it, the coming generations ignore as it has little nutritional value. Eat well.