There's hope for us out there!!
Last night out of whim, I found myself at Chinatown's Chung King Road. I'm still debating if it was an excuse for taro cakes, lotus leaf cookies, and greasy dumplings, or if I was really there to write about the great galleries you'll find at Chung King. Great galleries, that were close because 1. It was over 6 pm and 2. Most galleries were closed, due to re-installation. Most of them will soon be open in February. I'm happy to have gone late; Sometimes, events really do happen for a reason.
Stephen Cohen has nothing on Tim Fleming, ha-ha. Loving how there's many events going on around town, in conjunction with the fair.
Tonight, you can't miss the events going on at Chung King Road!. "It's going down"... Yes, I said: IT'S GOING DOWN. And yes, now i feel slightly uncomfortable.
The Public School : The Fuck'ed Up Drawing Party at 5pm!
Happy Lion: 7:30pm - The Happy Lion will present the premiere of Torch Trouble, a new performance piece by Joe Sola and Michael Webster. Sola’s highly physical performances use slapstick, live music, and Dada-ist abstraction to hilarious results.
Please Join us for Chinatown Gallery Night, Saturday January 30th:
Guy Goodwin at Kathryn Brennan Gallery (955 Chung King Rd.)
Michele O'Marah at Cottage Home (410 Cottage Home St.)
Galleries open until 9PM
Kathryn Brennan Gallery is Co-Hosting Full Frontal Disco at Grand Star, 10 PM - 2 AM (Bring Art LA badge for $5 cover)
Here are other participating galleries:
Participating Spaces:
Kathryn Brennan
China Art Objects
The Company
FOCA-Fellows of Contemporary Art
Francois Ghebaly
The Happy Lion
Parker Jones
The Public School
Redling Fine Art
Solway Jones
Thomas Solomon Gallery
(Taken from my Inbox)
Have a fun and safe night venturing Los Angeles and it's many happenings!